Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We are visual learners. With the amazing technology we have it gives teachers a great opportunity to use things such as videos and movie making in the classroom. Students have the opportunity to express their ideas, explain what information they received from a certain topic, and share their knowledge with others with the process of making a video. Today, we also started making a movie. Our goal is to sell an idea. I think it will be fun! I'm very excited on what the other groups are going to do.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Today was all about pictures and images. We started by taking a little test, which included some silly sentences. With this, we learned that it is easier to remember things if we can have a mental image that supports it. Second, we figured out how to tell the difference between a real photo and a photo that has been photo shopped. Third, we played on photo shop and got our next assignment, which is to create our own image using photo shop.

Overall, it was a great class full of information.